How to whitelist Alto emails

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

There are a few reasons our emails might not be hitting your inbox. For example:

  • The emails might be going into your spam/junk folder - We advise you to check and see if our emails are there in the first instance. If you use Gmail, they may have also gone into your Promotions folder, so check there too
  • You might've opted out of receiving emails - Email to find out if you have previously opted out and confirm if you'd like to opt back in

If our emails are in your spam/junk folder or you're not receiving our emails and you haven't opted out, you should whitelist our email sender addresses to have a better chance of receiving our emails.

Whitelisting is the practice of adding an email address to an approved sender list, so emails from that sender are never moved to the spam/junk folder.

In this example, whitelisting Alto emails will allow all emails from us through any IT provider blocks, spam or junk filters, that may stop them. This is necessary in order to receive our product newsletter emails keeping you up to date on new features, and crucially, emails surrounding your migration to Alto (if applicable).

Safe senders email list

One method to ensure emails get through to your inbox is to add our email addresses to your safe senders email list.

Add,,, and to your safe senders email list, as our email communications will come from that address.

For help on adding safe-senders, full advice can be found by doing a search online.


Whilst Gmail doesn't have a safe senders list, filters can be created for your inbox so that messages from us are never sent to spam. To do this:

  1. Open the Gmail website from your computer, and in the search box at the top, click the Show search options icon
  2. In the From field, enter,,
  3. Click Create filter, then select Never send it to Spam
  4. Click Create filter

Alternatively, Alto can be added to your contacts list. To do this:

  1. Navigate to and click Create contact
  2. Click Create a contact and enter the First name as Alto, and the Email as 
  3. Click the + to create a second Email line and enter
  4. Click the + to create a third Email line and enter
  5. Click the + to create a fourth Email line and enter
  6. Click Save


You can add email addresses and domain names to your safe senders list.

For more information, click here.

In addition, you can add recipients of your email messages to the safe senders list.

For more information, click here.

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